Legal Warning

Owner's information

The Barcelona Port Authority (from now on APB) is the owner of the domain and the corresponding subdomains, with Tax Identification Number (CIF): Q-0867012-G, and address at Moll de Barcelona, World Trade Center – East Building, 08039 Barcelona.

The email is

We recommend reading this legal notice and other data protection policies and legal texts (Privacy Policy…) carefully before using our platform and services.

Any use of this website implies acceptance of all the conditions included in these and other legal documents and their submission to Spanish legislation at all times, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction.


Guarantees and responsibilities

Through its website, the APB offers information and services without express or implicit guarantee of their accuracy or completeness.

The user who accesses the website voluntarily and expressly acknowledges and accepts responsibility for its use and undertakes not to perform any act that may infringe the law or the conditions established in these legal terms, otherwise it may entail the corresponding legally established responsibilities.

The APB reserves the right to make, at any time and without the need for prior notice, modifications and updates to the information contained on the website, its configuration and presentation and the general conditions, as well as to delete information or temporarily suspend accessibility to the web.

The APB cannot guarantee:

Intellectual property

This website is governed by the Spanish laws and by national and international legislation on intellectual and industrial property.

All the contents included in the web (texts, audiovisual contents, source code, graphic design, signs, logos, trademarks, databases data, computer programs, editing, programming, compilation and other elements and contents necessary for its operation) are the property of the APB except those in which another owner of the content has been specified.

In the event that a user or a third party considers that there has been a violation of their legitimate intellectual property rights due to the introduction of certain content on the web, they must notify the APB of this circumstance.

Any copy, download, transmission, distribution, reproduction or storage, in whole or in part, must be done with our prior and express written consent. However, we consent to the citation or partial reproduction of fragments of our content, as long as the source is mentioned and it is clearly highlighted that the fragment used belongs to the APB. This consent may be withdrawn at its discretion if the APB understands that it is not being used appropriately. 

Any unauthorised use of these contents will be considered a breach of intellectual or industrial property rights and may give rise to legal consequences.

The contents that the website may contain that are not owned by it enjoy the authorisation of their owners for their use and communication and are protected by the corresponding intellectual property rights.

The simple navigation or use of the web does not grant in any case a license or total or partial assignment of rights over intellectual property rights, any transmission, reproduction, distribution, public communication or total transformation being expressly prohibited or part thereof without the prior consent of their owners. 

The Domain may contain links to external pages, for which it has no responsibility, neither with regard to its reliability nor its contents. For this reason, the information that appears in these links is not the responsibility of the APB, which does not guarantee in any way the experience, integrity or responsibility of said external information.


Warning about the use of Cookies

This web portal makes use of cookies, text files located on the user's computer, to help the website analyse the use that users make for the proper functioning and display of the published content , as well as to collect statistical data.


The APB guarantees the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the personal data that you provide to our platform and the application of the technical and organisational security measures adopted and planned established by the legislation on data protection. If you want to know our Privacy Policy click aquí.




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